Case Studies


“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” — Arthur Conan Doyle, Author of Sherlock Holmes

client-case-studiesFor consumer product companies, there is no better data set than that of the user experience. This data set is readily available when product reviews from many sites are aggregated for analysis.
Brands in every vertical — from footwear to electronics — are incorporating user experience data companywide. Understand the problems this dataset can solve and the outcomes of real companies with this 24-page paper from Channel Signal.

  1. Shoe company detects a flaw in a marketing campaign
  2. Baby company increases sell-in with key retailers
  3. Electronics company innovates products to beat the competition
  4. Customer service team improves customer retention
  5. Executives compare brand health across key categories

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New! Learn how Stanley uses Channel Signal to make efficient decisions in product development. The data helps them avoid irrelevant issues, develop what customers care about most, and stay ahead of the competition.
Read the Stanley Case Study